Burp Cloth and wipey case
Taggie and boppy cover.
All of the above was made with my "stash" of fabric from Joann's 75% off out of business sale. (Can you believe instead of moving <1 mile down the road they completely liquidated all of the fabric to open anew? Their loss, my gain!) So glad I could foresee these baby projects in the future, because I LOVE all of this fabric. Love Love Love!
SO....while I'm sewing away during Sawyer's nap time, the big kids pick up scraps of ribbon and minky fabric from the floor and asked me to make their dolls taggies. How do you say "no" to that? So, about 20 minutes later, we had this...
I think Ranger has forgotten all about his, but a week later, Lucy is still taking her doll and taggie EVERYWHERE! And, while we're talking about Lucy, I want to also report that she found these hats in her toy box (crocheted 2 years ago) and she and bitty baby are both wearing them to sleep tonight! I love you Lucy! You will get plenty of handmade things from me in your lifetime!